December 11, 2010

So far my time in Missouri has given me a chance to reflect and change things in my life.
First and foremost, it made me appreciate my time in Nevada. I complained so much about Las Vegas and counted down the days until I moved, but now I can't wait to go back! It taught me not to take anything for granted. Moving here also made me appreciate my friends more. Not that I don't appreciate them, I just never realized how much of my life I invested in them until they were gone. I have the best friends anyone could ask for - they are nothing but supportive, trustworthy, and all-around great people. I am so blessed and I cannot wait until I get to see them again!
Living here strengthened the bond between me and my mom. We're at a point right now where I realize she's not just my mom, she's my best friend. She listens to me when I'm sad, laughs with me when I laugh, and her loving spirit helps me to keep going. I love her more than words can express!
Being here also encouraged me to rekindle my relationship with God. When I was at my lowest point and realized I had no friends and no one to turn to, I turned to God. It's so easy to live for God when everything is going right in your life. But when the storm comes, that's when you really need to cling to Him. Since then, he has been pouring out his blessings upon me and my family and has brought me so much joy!
It's so amazing what can happen in your life when you change your perspective. Instead of complaining about Missouri, I thank God for Missouri. I am here for a purpose.

So, I've been on the search for a new "image." It's almost the end of 2010, so in honor of the new year, I figure it would appropriate to have a new look. I'm thinking darker hair with turquoise streaks? Sounds weird, but I found a picture that I absolutely loved:

I know, its different and probably only looks cool because it's an awesome picture, but I love trying new things. I've also been debating on whether I should get my nose re-pierced, or even a tattoo? I would never get something too extravagant, but I've been considering a tattoo for a long time, now. I just want to make sure I do plenty of biblical research before I permanently mark my body.

Well, that's all for now! I'll leave with this amazing quote Joel Osteen:
"When you are tempted to get discouraged, remind yourself that according to God's word, your future is getting brighter; you are on your way to a new level of glory. You may think you've got a long way to go, but you need to look back at how far you've already come. You may not be everything you wanted to be but atleast you can thank God that you're not what you used to be."

Have a beautiful day! Lovelovelove.

December 7, 2010

So I've been kind of bummed lately that I won't be able to make it to Vegas for New Years. I guess you could say I had to choose my priorities. But what makes up for it, is I get to see Tracy on January 7th! I'm so excited - She'll only be here for like 4 days, but I don't care. Just as long as I get to see her! I'm stoked to take her around CoMo and Hannibal. Also, I'll be able to hang out with my other best friend, Alex on the 18th! If only I could fly out to Palm Beach and see Faith.

I have to take my ACT's on Saturday so this week is study, study, study. I was kind of lazy in high school and didn't think I needed to take my ACT's, but I was wrong. I just hope WWU can get my scores in time for me to be registered for classes next semester. I have a hunger for learning!

I've recently become business partners with my dad. We're creating affiliate websites for different products on the internet, so I'm really excited to get that up and running. I have been writing article after article for our first website about dog training courses. I have to write about 5 more by the end of the week on top of studying, but that's no problem. I'm just excited for the end results!

So ever since I got my iPhone, it seems like it has completely taken over my life. I feel like I'm glued to my cell phone screen 24/7 and that's no bueno! I've been feeling really convicted about it lately so I'm planning a cellphone/facebook fast in the near future. I've been slacking on my alone time with Jesus! I crave the word of God.

Last Thursday I went up to Hannibal to help my Nanaw again. She's really healthy for her age (83), but she still needs help with the heavy lifting and getting her groceries. I also got out her Christmas decorations and decorated her house while listening to Frank Sinatra. I had a really good time playing cards and talking about life and God. We had a mini bible study while I was there and we got to talking about Mormonism. I told her that Mormons believe that there are different levels of heaven and my Nanaw said she, too, believes that there are different levels of heaven. At first, I disagreed with her. I've always believe there to be one heaven. But we were reading 1 Kings and there is a scripture in chapter 8 verse 27 that reads "But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" Why is heaven plural? And what's up with "highest heaven"? Heaven seems to be plural in many other scriptures. So it kind of confused me, and I honestly still don't know what I believe. I guess I'll find out when I get there! I'm reading the book of Mark right now. I've started re-reading the new testament and after that, I want to start reading the entire old testament.

Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck on my ACT's - it's the next step to my future! I'll leave you with this scripture I just read in Mark:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to safe his life well lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"
Mark 8:34-36
Lord, I am yours! Amen.

Kinzi Mae

May 7, 2010

Greetings from Oceanside, CA... Again?
This is my second big trip out here in California, trying to get away from all the madness I like to call life in Vegas. Don't get me wrong, Vegas is a blessing and since I've lived there and I have met the most amazing people! But it's hard to live somewhere where there's no "magic." I know God's calling me elsewhere, and I know that elsewhere is Columbia. I'll be there (hopefully) in the beginning of July... But, until then, I'm just kind of "existing" here in the west coast.

If I wasn't so eager to move to Missouri, I might actually consider moving to Oceanside! The weather is perfect, the sunsets are to die for, and dressing like a beach bum everyday is awesome! It also helps when you're living with your best friend, doing nothing but watching 'Glee' all day long.

I just can't wait until the day that my family is back together in the same house... Me, my dad, my mom, Kiki and Zoe. The perfect combination for a perfect day.