I have to take my ACT's on Saturday so this week is study, study, study. I was kind of lazy in high school and didn't think I needed to take my ACT's, but I was wrong. I just hope WWU can get my scores in time for me to be registered for classes next semester. I have a hunger for learning!
I've recently become business partners with my dad. We're creating affiliate websites for different products on the internet, so I'm really excited to get that up and running. I have been writing article after article for our first website about dog training courses. I have to write about 5 more by the end of the week on top of studying, but that's no problem. I'm just excited for the end results!
So ever since I got my iPhone, it seems like it has completely taken over my life. I feel like I'm glued to my cell phone screen 24/7 and that's no bueno! I've been feeling really convicted about it lately so I'm planning a cellphone/facebook fast in the near future. I've been slacking on my alone time with Jesus! I crave the word of God.
Last Thursday I went up to Hannibal to help my Nanaw again. She's really healthy for her age (83), but she still needs help with the heavy lifting and getting her groceries. I also got out her Christmas decorations and decorated her house while listening to Frank Sinatra. I had a really good time playing cards and talking about life and God. We had a mini bible study while I was there and we got to talking about Mormonism. I told her that Mormons believe that there are different levels of heaven and my Nanaw said she, too, believes that there are different levels of heaven. At first, I disagreed with her. I've always believe there to be one heaven. But we were reading 1 Kings and there is a scripture in chapter 8 verse 27 that reads "But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" Why is heaven plural? And what's up with "highest heaven"? Heaven seems to be plural in many other scriptures. So it kind of confused me, and I honestly still don't know what I believe. I guess I'll find out when I get there! I'm reading the book of Mark right now. I've started re-reading the new testament and after that, I want to start reading the entire old testament.
Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck on my ACT's - it's the next step to my future! I'll leave you with this scripture I just read in Mark:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to safe his life well lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"
Mark 8:34-36
Lord, I am yours! Amen.
Kinzi Mae
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